Monday, February 15, 2010

The Best Strength Training Workout DVDs

Strength training is the best way to build lean muscle to get a toned and defined body. Muscle burns twice as many calories as fat does which means even at a resting rate, people with more muscle will burn more calories. This is why a strength training workout is so important to losing weight or maintain weight. Despite what many people think you don't have to spend 2 hours in the gym to get a good strength training workout in. There are plenty of workout DVDs that are just as effective as any workout you could get in a gym.

Here are the best strength training workout DVDs.


The P90X workout program is the ultimate in strength training. It was developed by Tony Horton to give you a ripped body in only 90 days. With the P90X workouts you build lean muscle that burns more fat from your body, even in a resting stage. Tony Horton developed the program so that you never hit that weight loss plateau but you are constantly challenging your body in new ways. This workout DVD is just not for men though. Women can also benefit from building lean muscles using lighter weights. We all know how great toned and defined arms can look in a strapless dress for women, and this workout program helps you achieve it. P90X does not require much equipment and can be done in the privacy of your home.

ChaLEAN Extreme

ChaLEAN Extreme is workout program from Chalene Johnson that works to build muscle so you can burn fat. The more muscle that you have, the more fat that you can burn. ChaLEAN Extreme uses a technique called lean phasing which consists of 3 different phases she takes you through to build muscle and burn the most amount of fat possible in the shortest time. It has 15 different workouts that comes with the program and you don't need much equipment, just some dumbbells and resistance bands, which are included as a free bonus gift.

Power 90

The Power 90 workout DVDs were developed by Tony Horton before he came out with P90X. Power 90 does involve cardiovascular exercise as well as strength training exercises for a complete workout program. This program was basically the precursor to P90X and utilizes a lot of the same weight loss principles.
Think about how much time and money you can save with strength training workout DVDs over a gym membership. There is no need to drive anywhere and your workouts are done in the privacy of your own home. Also, most of the strength training programs cost no more than what 1 or 2 months to a gym would cost. Instead of messing with the gym, get your own personal trainer in your home with strength training workout DVDs.

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