Tuesday, May 4, 2010


P90X is a high-intensity workout program that was developed by fitness guru Tony Horton to reshape your body in only 90 days. The program makes a lot of claims about losing weight and toning your entire body. So, just how can P90X and Tony Horton makes these claims and stand behind them? Here is the specifics on how the P90X workout exactly works.
Muscle Confusion
The muscle confusion principle is the key to P90X and reshaping your body. Tony Horton developed this workout technique so that your body was always being challenged during every workout. This is effective for losing weight and getting toned because your body never gets used to the exercises and always has to put forth effort to get the workout done. Your muscles are constantly confused, which means that they are going to be burning fat and calories like crazy. This accelerates a person’s results since your body is never going to plateau. You can continue to lose weight and develop muscle throughout the whole 90 days and beyond and not have to worry about your body plateauing and your exercise efforts are never wasted.

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