Thursday, July 16, 2009

What Is The Difference Between Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs and Rockin Body?

shawn t hip hop abs basicImage by via Flickr

Shaun T is known for developing two popular workout programs called Hip Hop Abs and Rockin Body. Even though the workouts may look similar, there are definite differences between them.

You may have seen the infomercials for Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs as well as his other workout program Rockin Body and was wondering what exactly the difference was between the two workouts. Even though the two workout programs look similar, they are different and will appeal to different people's interests.

Hip Hob Abs
The Hip Hop Abs program incorporates a technique that was developed by Shaun T called tilt, tuck, and tighten. This basically involves keeping your abdominal muscles contracted and tightened during every

Rockin Results DeluxeImage by via Flickr

move of a workout. This makes the muscles work harder, therefore burning more fat from that area. With Hip Hop Abs, the main focus is on working the abdominal muscles to get a toned and flat stomach. Although, the workout series does work the entire body, the main goal of the program is to get that flat stomach. This is done through various standing exercise moves that have a little flavor to them. This is why it is called Hip Hop Abs.

Rockin Body
Shaun T released the workout series Rocking Body shortly after releasing Hip Hob Abs. He saw the that people were enjoying the dancing during the workout and were losing weight from it. He decided to make the Rockin Body series so that people could have fun dancing and burn fat from their entire body. For this workout he took some of the hottest music and choreographed dance routines that are designed to shed calories from your entire body. He came up with a mark it and move it technique to easily teach just about anybody who to dance for the workout.

There are basically two big differences between Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs and Rockin Body. The first difference is that Hip Hob Abs was designed to focus on slimming the abdominal muscles more than Rockin Body. Rocking Body can give you flat abs, but is not designed specifically for that.

The second difference, which is the most important is that Rockin Body is for the person who wants to dance for their workouts. All of the videos in the series contain dancing and trendy music to get your heart rate up. On the other hand, Hip Hop Abs does have some dancing, but focuses more on exercises and movements rather than flowing dance routines.

Each of these two workout programs will appeal to different people. Some people may like more of the dancing and being able to bust a move, while others may be interested in more of exercises to slim to the body. It all depends on how you want to lose weight and get achieve a slimmer body.

Get your Rockin Body and Hip Hop Abs at

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