Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Why So Many People Have Success With P90x and How You Can To

Banner Tony Horton P90XImage by via Flickr

If you own a television, then you have most likely seen the programs advertising Tony Horton's workout program called P90X. You may just think that P90X is just another workout, but in actuality P90X is a revolutionary system designed to change your life. There are proven reasons why this system is so successful in turning your body from flab into tight and toned.

“Muscle Confusion”
P90X utilizes an exercise technique called “muscles confusion.” This basically means that your body never gets used to the workout, making it possible for your body to burn more fat and calories rather than if you did the same thing everyday. P90X consist of 12 completely different workouts. Each one of these workouts will provide you with an intense, muscle-burning workout that helps to shed the fat and tight and tone your body. Some of these workouts will work

P90x origImage by via Flickr

specific body parts such as “Legs and Back.” Other workouts are meant to do specific things for your body such as “Yoga” which is intended to improve flexibility while helping you to get rid of stress. Since you are constantly introducing new exercises and moves with these 12 different workouts, your body is always in a state of confusion. This means that your body will continue to burn fat at a faster pace since it is does not grow accustomed to the same old exercise over and over.

It's Not Just a Workout
The P90X system is not just a workout. It also comes with a 3 phase nutritional plan for your 90 days and beyond. The eating plan is designed to help you burn fat while still providing your body with the fuel it needs for energy. Your diet is just as important to developing the body that you want as exercise is. If you are not eating healthy you are not going to have the energy to do the workouts properly. Also, if you are still eating unhealthy and consuming too many empty calories, your effort that you put into your exercise will be wasted because you will never get the body that you desire with exercise alone. With the P90X program, Tony Horton gives you a detailed plan to help you eat healthy and get the most nutritional value out of your foods.

It's For Life, Not Just 90 Days
Some people are under the illusion that this system is only for 90 days and then you can go back to doing whatever you want. This is absolutely not true. This program will change your body and your life in 90 days, not for only 90 days. This program becomes a way of life for you after you have completed the 90 days. With this workout series, you never get bored, since you have 12 different kinds of workouts to choose. These workouts can be your only exercise program for the rest of your life and you still would never be bored with this system. It would still continue to provide your body with the fat burning activity that it needs well after the 90 days is over.
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